
Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2023! We hope your holidays were merry and bright. We start this new year refreshed and ready to embrace new opportunities.

As a specialist in managing and processing metadata, our focus is squarely on how metadata empowers our customers’ video services. Even as the ways in which video is delivered and consumed continues to change, the use of high-quality metadata is more important than ever. Why is that and what is high quality metadata? 

At a minimum, metadata is the data that describes a show, movie, music or sporting event. Yet metadata is more than an assortment of facts. It informs the consumer, but more importantly for our customers, it is used to persuade, entice and tempt viewers to watch more content.

Our goal in 2023 is to make it easier for video service providers to take advantage of metadata. We help them aggregate whatever types of metadata they need from whatever sources they define. Our job is to simplify the consolidation, prioritisation and harmonisation of all that descriptive metadata and do that in a highly automated and cost-effective way. 

  • We believe metadata should give consumers context about shows, movies and events. This means assigning more tags and genres, incorporating ratings or adding deep links to additional information.
  • We believe video service providers, whether they are broadcasters, Pay TV providers or streaming services, should utilise images. It’s been proven that images influence consumer selection of programmes they want to watch.  We make sure these images are formatted correctly and consistently. 
  • We know that multiple content IDs can be associated with any one video asset and that this can create confusion. Our platform maps, correlates and clarifies relationships across various types of IDs. 
  • We believe that a centralised metadata repository should be easily accessible by relevant customer teams. Our cloud-based platform provides a centralised metadata repository. This platform, called Atlas, unifies metadata using orchestrated workflows, automated processes and proprietary algorithms, with APIs enabling content ingest of metadata from many sources and distribution of updated metadata files to customer content management systems. 
  • We believe our customers are delivering must-see content that consumers want to enjoy but cannot always easily find. We know that one of the biggest challenges facing consumers and content providers is that of content discovery. We manage and process the metadata needed to improve content discovery, enhance content recommendations, and elevate the value of content libraries.

As we execute our strategy for 2023, we will align with our partners to deliver the high quality active metadata that allows our customers to simplify consumer access to their content. Our Atlas SaaS platform provides the flexibility to process as much or as little metadata as needed by our customers. Customers can access as many or as few of the services enabled by our platform – aligning our capabilities to their needs. 

We believe that elevating the value of metadata is the best way for any type of video service provider to optimize the value of their content libraries. We look forward to collaborating with you in 2023!

Jamie Mackinlay, CEO